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Study France

Permanent Residency, Study Visa, Tourist Visa


Study Visa for France

Student visa
There are diverse kinds of student visas for France:
– Visa de court séjour pour etudes -(‘Schengen’ short-stay student visa)

You can visit France and study for till three months on this visa that too in the absence of a separate residence visa. It is suitable for the ones enrolling on short-term programs or a language course.

– Visa de long séjour temporaire pour etudes – (temporary long-stay visa)
This visa permits you to study in France for a period of three and six months in the absence of a residence permit. This visa is non-renewable.

– Visa de long séjour etudes -(long-stay visa)
In case you are planning to study for longer than six months then you have to apply for this visa. This kind of study visa lasts for the period of your course in France that is three years for bachelors, two years for the masters & four years for a Ph.D. Long-stay visas work as residence permits and are known as VLT-TS.

International students not from EU*, three kinds of degrees allow you to take benefit from a temporary residence authorization to look for and start a job. As long as you have handed one of the following degrees in a higher education institution acquiescent with the national plan:

  • A degree at least equal to the Master’
  • Degree categorized as the level I by CGE (Conference of Grandes écoles) that is an equal to a 5-years studies course
  • Professional License
  • You might apply for a temporary residence authorization (APS, authorization provisoire de séjour that is valid for twelve months beyond date of expiration of student’s residency permit and is non-renewable. It is a residence right to remain in France for the professional reasons.


The authorization enables the student to work at any job in link with his/her study course. It is as long as wage is at least equal to 1.5 times SMIC (least legal wage). In such a case, a student cannot be denied job situation in France.

This authorization might also be issued in case the student wants to begin a company after his/her studies in a profession in relation with their study course.

After the completion of twelve months of Temporary Residence Authorization, they will require to apply for a status change:
– From “student” to “employee” for students who prove an employment contract in relation with their study course;
– From “student” to “auto-entrepreneur” (self-employed) for students who wish to begin their own firm. The profession of work should be linked with the study course followed. Similarly the viability of the firm should be proven (full project, business plan and so on).


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Permanent Residency in Canada


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